Monday, June 13, 2016

DVD Review: Evil Bong High-5

Evil Bong High-5 is the fifth movie in the Evil Bong series, following Evil Bong 420 (actually, it’s the sixth if you include Gingerdead Man Vs. Evil Bong), about a bong named Ebee (or Eebee, as it’s spelled in the end credits) that is queen of the Bong World. Obviously, just from the title you can tell this isn’t a movie that takes itself at all seriously. And neither should you.

The film begins with Larnell, Sarah and Velicity trapped in Bong World, with Larnell and Velicity apparently conversing telepathically, or perhaps she just reads a whole lot into his “Mmmm.” They decide they’ve been trapped in this world long enough and want to get back to their normal lives, and so enlist the help of Rabbit, who is busy playing Twister with a topless chick. Again, you shouldn’t take this movie seriously at all. Larnell tells him: “We’re all just wasting away in here. At least out there in the cruel, cruel world we have a chance to one day… Nah, I got nothing.” But nothing is key here, as Rabbit tries to teach them to achieve a state of nothingness in order to escape.

That turns out to be unnecessary, as Ebee, the evil queen in the shape of a bong, shows up with a task for them to perform back in the real world. Ebee (that’s how her name is spelled on the sign that is seen several times in the movie) is a delightfully crude lady bent on world domination. “I’ll need some seed money, though, and that’s where you motherfuckers come in,” she tells them. They need to help her raise a million dollars by selling her magic weed to all the stoners out there “at an incredibly fucked up price.” Yes, Ebee is far and away my favorite character in this film. She sends Larnell, Rabbit and Gingerdead Man out of Bong World to complete this task, keeping Sarah and Velicity there as insurance (and giving them a chance to indulge in their lesbian fantasies with two sexy vixens).

Sure, there’s not much of a plot, but there is a sex scene with Gingerdead Man and a girl named Candy. And there is Phoebe, an incredibly sexy blonde who shows up to help the guys bring in customers using her considerable assets. If you’re not enjoying this movie, it just means you’re not high enough. So, you know, go take care of that.

Before they start their quest, Larnell and Rabbit get stoned, so obviously the plot isn’t even all that important to them. And at some point Larnell meets his half-brother Jeff, but nothing really comes of that. There is also a series of commercials for action figures inserted into the film. I thought they were a joke, but it turns out these figures really exist, so it’s a bit of shameless promotion stuck into the movie. Very odd. And what is the deal with the executive producer credits? There are more than a hundred of them. Geez, did I get an executive producer credit on this? Did you?

Special Features

The DVD includes The Making Of Evil Bong High-5, a short montage of behind-the-scenes footage. Also included is the movie’s trailer, as well as the trailers for Evil Bong 420 and Gingerdead Man Vs. Evil Bong.
Evil Bong High-5 was directed by Charles Band. It is scheduled to be released on DVD on June 22, 2016 through Full Moon.

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